The Tastiest Dauphinoise Potatoes

The Only Dauphinoise recipe you need!

The most decadent dish you can possibly indulge in.

Disclaimer: This is only for the ones who want super indulgent potatoes PACKED with flavour!

I promise you these are the best dauphinoise potatoes you will ever eat. I know that’s a bold statement, but coming from someone who usually could give or take dauphinoise these, I can’t leave them alone. I can even eat them cold it’s criminal, actually.

I can’t take any credit for these. These are all Billy, and I have never EVER had dauphinoise as good as these at any restaurant in London, Paris or Croatia. I’m not kidding you. He has absolutely got these down!

A couple of things I want to explain. First of all, you HAVE to prepare these 24 hours before if you wish to have them infused with lots of flavours and you want to achieve the perfect layer because, let’s face it, we eat with our eyes and the better they look, the more impressive the dish is IMO…

These can be made for a date night in. Billy actually made them on valentines Day instead of us going out to eat. They are perfect with fillet steak. You can prep them on a Saturday to have them for a Sunday roast instead of roast potatoes (trust me, I would exchange these for roasts 🤯👌🏼) or even for Christmas or a little family gathering. I can’t imagine anyone not liking these. The flavour is strong but not overpowering, infused with all the herbs and garlic but perfectly tender with a crispy top. 

Writing this out now is making me crave them. We had them twice in one week, which isn’t the healthiest. It’s undoubtedly an indulgent dish, but I can’t help it. They are so decadent, so indulgent and so worth it!

You can see how we layered them properly in this reel. We also used a mandolin to get the perfect slices of potatoes you can get one ‘here‘.

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