Smoky Hummus

I honestly don’t know why it took me so long to make it from scratch when it’s so easy and quick with such simple ingredients. I absolutely love this recipe: smoky, velvety, homemade hummus. It is SO perfect for barbecues or to make a quick snack to eat in the garden in the sunshine (when we eventually get some). The best part? You know precisely what has gone into it, which, for me, is always reassuring.

I’d like to consider myself to be the queen of seasoning. I love balancing flavours and hate bland food, so this isn’t the typical basic version it’s a much more smoky hummus. Although I do love plain hummus, which is just chickpeas, tahini, garlic, lemon and water, so it’s not exactly worlds apart, and I still pack it with a lot of garlic 🧄. 

I’ve jazzed this up to become a smoky hummus to suit my flavour palette, and you can do the same. It’s so versatile that you can pretty much put anything with it or top it with things like Zaatar or Paprika. This particular recipe is my current go-to. It’s smoky and velevety and goes perfectly with warm toasted pita bread or vegetable sticks. My favourites are celery, red pepper or cucumber 🤤.

Also! Did you know? Waitrose was the first British supermarket to stock hummus? In the 80s I think? Although it has been around as early as the 13th century, that is crazy, right?!

Smoky Hummus Recipe

Recipe by BlondeMeatsFoodCourse: SidesCuisine: Middle EasternDifficulty: Easy


Prep time


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The easiest recipe I’ve featured so far nutty, velvety, homemade hummus with added spices.


  • A whole can of chickpeas

  • 50ml cold water

  • 30ml extra virgin olive oil (plus extra for topping)

  • Juice of 1 large lemon

  • 3tbsp tahini

  • 4 cloves of garlic

  • 1/2tsp of cumin

  • 1tsp smoked paprika

  • 1tsp Zaatar


  • Drain the chickpeas and give them a really good rinse under running water, and then pop them straight into a food processor along with the water, oil, cumin, smoked paprika, and blitz until NEARLY smooth.
  • Add the tahini, garlic, and lemon and blitz again until the desired consistency is reached; if it’s still quite thick, add more water a little bit at a time.
  • To finish, top with a drizzle of olive oil and a sprinkle of Zaatar and enjoy with some warm pita or vegetable sticks.

I know I’m going to be having a lot more homemade hummus in the future unless I find one that’s better than my own 😂 I think next on the cards will have to be a homemade pesto. I can imagine I’ll use it a lot in the summer, especially for my Pesto Pasta recipe, and I’ve only ever found 2 bought pestos that I genuinely enjoy, so it will be a fun comparison.

Don’t forget! You can follow me on Instagram for daily stories and reels, and you can follow me on Pinterest, too! 

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